Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I love Christmas!! We've had such a blast with family and friends during this whole festive season of Christmas and New Years. I wish I had something cunning and/or clever to write today..but I don't think I do. I'm just thinking about how much fun was's sad that the celebrating is over - even more sad that we didn't see Isaac and Jessica during the marvelous season - but it's also just fun to have all the memories and the photos and the post-Christmas lull. Another bummer was Andrew's brother and his family had the flu over the holiday so we missed them this year, too.

Here are some pics of the Toftness family festivities....

Here we are Christmas Eve morning..just us

Mom's sweet new camera really captured the tree in all its glory

Saturday, December 22 at our house

Sorry for not boys in their Christmasy best

Luke and Anna guffawing over a most hilarious gift they gave gifting a homemade wedding present


carol said...

love the pictures...keep 'em coming!

angie said...

cute! and yes, more pictures please. :) p.s. and what, exactly, was the hilarious homemade gift??

moren blog said...

SO GOOD! your boys are definately some of the cutest i've seen. don't tell them, it'll go to their heads! love you all!

Liz said...

So Angie, the homemade gift was..shall we say..a very primitive jigsaw rendering of some angels. Angels- great. Cut with a jigsaw- not so great. It had a fierce freshly varnished smell, too. Ha!