Friday, June 27, 2008

Excuses excuses

People people please! Hear me out - our computer contracted a virus (apologies going out to anyone who got the mysterious email from Andrew that was riddled with tech-wrecking virus nasties. We have no idea how it happened because our computer had already been down for a while before it went through Andrew's contacts and diseased them. Sorry!), therefore is no more. There you go. That's my excuse for my absence.

Things that have happened since last I posted?

  • I turned 24, which Sally teases me for, saying it's so old.

  • We made an offer on a house, found out we were first runner up, but didn't get the spot. I bawled like a baby. Two days later the other deal fell through and we were back in...but there were several other offers on the property so we got nervous. After finding out how much work would truly be involved we had to lower our offer and hold our breath and pray and wait...and we got it! The sweetest little farm with the most beautiful yard and out buildings. Our dream. Thank you Jesus. I'll take pictures once it's officially ours (next week).

  • Got a car.

  • Read Leif Enger's new book ' So Brave, Young, and Handsome.' After reading the title Andrew asked if it was written about him. He would. Anyway, I highly recommend this for your summer reading list. It's a captivating twist on the wild west. Absolutely brilliant.

  • Had a garage sale. Sure I made $33.25. Jealous?

  • Moved to Mom and Dad's house in Deerwood. The lake is a lovely place to spend a summer.

  • Had a little baby Toftness nephew come into the world - Elijah Carl, the most beautiful baby.

  • Cheered my sister on through a marathon (hard work, Andrew and I are still recovering).
  • Got to hang out with so many wonderful friends while Anna, Luke and their friend Jonathan were up for a week.
  • Went water skiing at Anna's precious in-law's and almost learned to slalom (every time I dropped a ski I quickly encountered Davey Jone's locker, aka the bottom of the sea).
  • Met a labradoodle named Cody who is adorable, along with his owners. I think Cody has already passed me up in the amount of kisses and hugs he has bestowed on Oliver.

  • Chased Oliver through all of this.

My stress levels are high and my bank account is low, but I'm just hoping that I'll be able to rest long enough to appreciate the goodness of God and the beauty of His creation this summer season. I hope to keep you 'posted'! (pardon the pun, I couldn't resist.)