Monday, May 21, 2012

"hey there, birthday girl!...

"...walkin' down the street so fancy-free!"

So Georgi Girl turned 2 on Friday!  Oh my, this quirky little character has brought so much pizazz to our family in the form of laughter, tears, and anything in between.  She's a sweet little firecracker, which is just the greatest juxtaposition.  Here is how Georgi Porgie spent the first day of her third year:

Good morning George, how are you?

Opening gifts in her bedroom before a birthday breakfast of Marshmallow Mateys.

A flashback from my childhood- my brother Isaac used to pull my sister and me (not at the same time, of course), around in this very Little Tykes wagon.  There are also pictures of my best feline, Ernie all dressed up like a human baby, willingly following me up and down the driveway in the little red wagon.  What a dutiful old cat...and toy! 

Gigi modeled as she unwrapped a hat and jacket from Grandma Kasper, who G calls Bobby.

Mommy helping blow out the 2 candles.  It was a loosely ballerina-themed party, so I wore my tightest top-knot and chopped a chain of dancing paper dolls.

Question: do you have big bashes for toddlers' birthdays?  Or do you keep it simple while they're small?  A conundrum I encounter every year...what to do?  I'm so last-minute that it's usually best to keep it in the family- at least they're expecting something to happen around Jan. 31st, May 18th and now Oct. 22nd.


Jill said...

Oh, man- You guys are too cute! That headband in her sweet little hair is adorable!!!

angie said...

good gracious, she just is precious! love the recap of her special day. happy birthday, georgi girl!
as for us, we keep these early birthdays on the down-low. well, except the first birthdays, because really, i feel those are more a high-five to the parents for surviving a full year of no sleep. but after that, no more parties until they seem important to the wee ones.

annag said...

happy birthday gg lynn! what a doll!
come on.

carol said...

love my gigi girl! and that little wagon from dave and luann has been used more and abused more than anything we owned and it keeps on going like the energizer bunny only better!

Tonya said...

Happy belated birthday Georgianna!! What a doll!!

I'm right there with you Liz regarding what to do for toddler bdays. Same dilemma. We had the immediate families (aunts, uncles & cousins) over for the 1st bdays. Each year for the other bdays, I'm unsure of what to do. So far we've just had the Grandparents over to make it a little extra special. If the "party" is not on their bday, I still like to make their actual bdays a special day and had at least cupcakes on their bdays. Wouldn't you know it, this year Matthew has asked about having his cousins over for this bday. shucks. So, I'm thinking maybe next year we'll have everyone over again, we'll see what next year brings. :)